Cardholders can control their location based communication preferences. Cardholders can opt to receive location based notifications when they are within a specific distance of a participating merchant offering them a valuable reward or incentive.
Location Based Alerts
Cardholder controls preferences
Alerts can be personalized

Merchants who create acquisition offers with time restrictions can receive the benefit of having location based alerts and messaging communicating to all participating cardholders. These timely and relevant alerts inform the cardholders that valuable incentives are nearby and help to engage the customer to try new locations.
Acquire new customers for only $5 per customer
Targeted and relevant communications
Tremendous branding and marketing
Helps drive consumers nearby into your business.

Location Based Communications can also be used by Program Operators to communicate valuable and exclusive offers or perks only available to their members. For Mall operators, they may welcome cardholders to the mall and inform them of all of the participating merchants and rewards they have; for Banks or Credit unions, they may inform them of branches nearby that are offering free consultations for portfolio management or debt consolidation.
Attract more cardholders & accounts.
Retain existing cardholders & accounts.
Increase Program Revenue
Positively impact the local community.